This is the personal blog of Ian Ker, who was Councillor for the South Ward of the Town of Vincent from 1995 to 2009. I have been a resident of this area since 1985. This blog was originally conceived as a way of letting residents of Vincent know what I have been doing and sharing thoughts on important issues. I can now use it to sound off about things that concern me.

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Friday, July 31, 2015

As In WA, So In NSW

I have previously remarked on how the NSW Government is trying to go blindly down the same path as the WA Government on forcing local government amalgamations (

Fascinating to see how consistent with WA is the NSW community opposition to forced local government amalgamations (
Click to enlarge

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

South Perth Rejects City of Perth Bill

Last night, South Perth City Council voted unanimously to express its strong concerns about a range of aspects of the City of Perth Bill currently before the Legislative Assembly (

This could be the game-changer that creates awareness of the dangers of the current City of Perth Bill for all local governments not just those specifically mentioned in the Bill.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Development Assessment Panels Disempower Communities

Development Assessment Panels are supported by the property development industry and the WA State Government but take decisions away from local communities for precisely those developments that have the greatest impact on those communities.

Too often, those panels choose to ignore the requirements of local planning schemes and policies that have been developed by local Councils and approved by the WA Planning Commission. 

Too often, their deliberations and decisions are not subject to public scrutiny.

The City of South Perth Residents Association invites you to a meeting of DAP-affected communities to hear of experiences from across the Perth Metropolitan Area. Come to the Como Bowling Club on Wednesday 29th July for a 7.30pm start.

A large turnout is anticipated, so if possible please let Cecilia Brooke know by email ( that you will be coming.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Barnett Still Lying About Local Government

Colin Barnett is unhappy about local government rate rises ( but fails to acknowledge the extent to which increases are a direct result of forcing metropolitan councils to spend ratepayers money on his failed so-called reform process.

CPI is not a relevant measure of cost pressures on local government - not much of your council budget goes on food or housing. Local government cost index has been increasing faster than consumer prices, especially during the resources boom.

Barnett says if ratepayers thought their rates were too high they should look at their council's size and viability. He said that might prompt some to rethink their position on whether council amalgamations are needed. "You can go into parts of Perth and rates will be $2,500, you can go into other parts of Perth and they'll be $1,100," he said.

Well, Col, the highest-charging metropolitan councils are outer ones with large areas to service, low densities and development pressures to support. It is not unexpected that their costs (and hence their charges) are higher. Size is not the issue - the low-charging large councils are ones that are largely-developed.

And it seems he just can't help himself about wanting amalgamations. Don't tell us what to think about local government, though, Col. Local government should be just that - local. If communities want to amalgamate, that's fine - but the initiative should come from them (let's change the Local Government Act so that the Minister can't make formal amalgamation proposals) and they should have the opportunity to call a poll on any proposals or recommendations. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

New Blog: Capital City Citizens' Committee
I'll still be commenting here on the City of Perth Bill and other local government matters, but there is a new blog on the block ( focussing on what is needed to establish an effective capital city for Western Australia and all Western Australians.

The Capital City belongs to all Western Australians, not just the ratepayers, residents and businesses of the City of Perth. We are all citizens of our Capital City.

As well as drawing attention to the flaws of the current City of Perth Bill and urging its rejection by the Parliament, the CCCC is constructively working to identify the functional and legislative basis for a Capital City of which all Western Australians can be proud.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Liberal MLC, Mark Lewis, Fails Dismally

Liberal MLC Mark Lewis tried to find 'reasons' why country people should support the City of Perth Bill - but, as Cecilia Brooke eloquently points out, he failed dismally.

Monday, July 6, 2015

No Consultation (Again) = Disrespect

I have previously drawn attention to lack of consultation (and denial of it) in this blog - and

Jane Boxall's letter in today's West Australian demonstrates that this lack of consultation is so all-pervasive as to amount to disrespect.
The West Australian, 6th July 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Councils for Democracy Alive and Well

As Mosman Park Mayor, on Norris, said, "it looks like CfD will have an ongoing vital role in local government".

There is most certainly a need for an alternative and more effective voice than WALGA to pursue the interests of all local governments and their communities.

There is also a crying need for continued opposition to the Barnett government's flawed ideological pursuit of so-called reform in local government.

Yes, there is room for improvement in local government.

No, the pig-headed Barnett/Simpson approach is not the way to achieve improvement - instead it wastes resources on trying to achieve change that would, if achieved, be at best ineffective and more likely counter-productive.