Perth Voice, 14th September 2013. Click to enlarge |
I spoke at the Vincent Council meeting last night - and was pleased to see at first hand that it still provides the same open opportunity for people to comment or ask questions on any issue, not just those that are on the agenda, as it did when I was a councillor.
Here's what I said, in support of Mayor Alannah MacTiernan's Notice of Motion for the plebiscite:
I am a proud Vincent resident and have been since the
day Vincent was established in 1994.
One of the great things about Vincent is its diversity
– something celebrated on the front page of every Council Agenda and Minutes.
And the best way of acknowledging and working with
diversity is to be inclusive – not dictatorial.
Personally, I want to remain a Vincent resident. But
this is not about what particular future any of us sees for Vincent – it’s
about those of us who live here or have businesses here having a say in that
Colin Barnett proposes to remove our current right to
reject proposed changes if we don’t see them as being in our interests. I
understand that a Bill to do this will be introduced into the Legislative
Assembly this Thursday.
He cannot, however, prevent our expressing our view
through a plebiscite, as proposed in this Notice of Motion. The result might
not be binding – but it will send a very clear message to the Premier and the
Minister for Local Government.
A number of other local governments, including at
least three in Colin Barnett’s own electorate, are doing the same thing.
Collectively, we have a great opportunity to assert our right to be consulted
about how we are governed.
At the level of local and State government, that is
called democracy. Colin Barnett proposes to remove a key element of local
government democracy.
Please support this motion and allow us to tell the
Premier what we think of his proposal, which is the worst possible way of
achieving his objective of larger local governments.
And, whatever difficulties the Electoral Commission
might put in the way, please retain all three parts of the proposed question,
so that those of us who support Vincent remaining as it is, as well as those
who support going to the City of Perth, can be heard.