Initially, 34 proposals, including 12 from the Minister himself, were submitted to the LGAB. As required by the Local Government Act, these were open for public submissions for a period of 6 weeks.
The other two proposals were late submissions - from the City of Subiaco and the City of Perth. Neither of these has been put out for submissions as required by the Act - therefore, they cannot be considered and assessed by the LGAB.
Perhaps Homer is getting ahead of himself. The Local Government Amendment Bill, which is currently in the Legislative Council, would, if passed, remove the requirement for the submission period for the current metropolitan 'reform' process - but this Bill has not yet been passed by the Parliament and, in any case, it does not contain retrospective provisions.
If the LGAB considers these two 'late' proposals in the context of the totality of proposals made to it. it will potentially invalidate the whole process.