Whilst Troy Pickard and WALGA are right to draw attention to the complexity, cost and inadequate timelines for Col and Homer's forced amalgamations, they clearly don't have a clue about process and democracy.
Pickard states: "Now that the boundaries have been finalised".
Well, sorry Troy, they haven't been finalised. In purporting to accept or reject recommendations at this stage, Simpson has simply exposed himself to yet more legal action.
Five of the LGAB recommendations are subject to potentially-binding poll provisions - see http://ianrker-vincent.blogspot.com.au/2014/11/lgab-is-wrong-wrong-wrong.html for why it is five and not the LGAB's stated three.
Should any of these be voted down, there are potential consequences for other recommendations from the LGAB - and so the sorry saga continues.
There are also claims from many other communities that they are being wrongly denied a poll - and there are now two legal actions.
A lot of water to flow under many bridges, yet, Troy, before anyone can say that the boundaries have been finalised.
And Homer really ought to be told to keep his mouth shut - although even then he'd probably still find ways of putting his foot in it.
Well said Ian