For some months now there has been relative peace and quiet on the WA local government front, but who knows what might happen after the March 2017 State election.
In NSW, however, the Baird Liberal Government continues to make waves with its forced local government amalgamations, some of which are still working their way through the courts. One of these is the forced amalgamation of Orange, Cabonne and Blayney Councils - the area that just happened to be the subject of a by-election last weekend.
The NSW State seat of Orange had been held by the Nationals since 1947, but no more. In what reports attribute to widespread discontent at the forced local government amalgamations and the stuffed-up ban (then non-ban) of greyhound racing, a right wing independent from the Shooters and Fishers Party has taken the seat.
Local Government NSW President Keith Rhoades said: "This massive repudiation of forced amalgamations comes hot on the heels of the September 10 local government elections, where voters of stand-alone councils sent an equally clear ‘back off’ message to the Liberal/National government".
The Nationals are a partner with the Liberals in the NSW Government and the basis of the voter discontent is said to be that the Nationals "had stood by and said nothing as Premier Mike Baird made 'arbitrary and arrogant decisions' without explaining these decisions to the community or consulting them" (
Does this sound familiar? I'm sure it does to many of those who were part of the community groundswell that eventually overcame Barnett's ideological push for larger councils in WA. Many local members were at best silent or even supported forced amalgamations in opposition to the voices of their communities.
More recently, Subiaco residents were appalled by the lack of support for their community by their local MLA, Bill Marmion, when faced by the dismembering of the City of Subiaco, without consultation, under the City of Perth Act.
These silent MPs, and Bill Marmion in particular, would do well to ponder their perfidy between now and March 2017. Whilst it is probably too much to hope that they might fall on their swords, it would be nice to hear the occasional 'mea culpa' and sincere promise (as distinct from disposable 'election commitment') to consult and listen to their communities in future.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
Democracy Must Be Seen But Not Heard - Let's think outside the box
According to the ABC (, new Local Government Minister Paul Miles has backed the City of Perth's controversial ban on councillors speaking to the media, describing the policy as "democratic".
I guess we shouldn't be surprised coming from the same party (and presumably with the same Departmental advice) as his predecessor's description of the right of local communities to have a binding poll on local government amalgamations as "UNdemocratic" (
Miles also reportedly said that councillors "had nothing to complain about because they knew, or should have known, the council's position when they sought election".
The only possible interpretation of this baffling statement is that councillors cannot lobby for change from within and residents or ratepayers can only do so from without - and somehow have to get a majority of Council to see the light (definitely problematic with most of current City of Perth Council) and change policy without councillors themselves being able to say anything to gain awareness or support through the media.
How can it be democratic, Mr Miles, to place such a Catch-22 in the way of reform?
Thinking outside the box, though, the City of Perth policy doesn't prevent councillors from discussing matters with private individuals - and we all know how adept the media are at eavesdropping on and reporting private conversations. I suggest it would be very difficult (and politically counter-productive) to prove that a councillor knew the media were going to eavesdrop on a particular 'private' conversation.
And, yet again, WALGA appears to be conspicuous by its absence - despite the very real implicit threat that a similar ban could be imposed on all local governments in the name of democracy.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised coming from the same party (and presumably with the same Departmental advice) as his predecessor's description of the right of local communities to have a binding poll on local government amalgamations as "UNdemocratic" (
Miles also reportedly said that councillors "had nothing to complain about because they knew, or should have known, the council's position when they sought election".
The only possible interpretation of this baffling statement is that councillors cannot lobby for change from within and residents or ratepayers can only do so from without - and somehow have to get a majority of Council to see the light (definitely problematic with most of current City of Perth Council) and change policy without councillors themselves being able to say anything to gain awareness or support through the media.
How can it be democratic, Mr Miles, to place such a Catch-22 in the way of reform?
Thinking outside the box, though, the City of Perth policy doesn't prevent councillors from discussing matters with private individuals - and we all know how adept the media are at eavesdropping on and reporting private conversations. I suggest it would be very difficult (and politically counter-productive) to prove that a councillor knew the media were going to eavesdrop on a particular 'private' conversation.
And, yet again, WALGA appears to be conspicuous by its absence - despite the very real implicit threat that a similar ban could be imposed on all local governments in the name of democracy.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Do Unto Others …………
Minister for Transport and Agriculture, Dean Nalder, has followed Tony Simpson in resigning from Cabinet and former Minister, Helen Morton, has come out in support of them.
There is common thread in these three narratives and that is arrogance, lack of communication and even bullying.
Tony Simpson is reported as saying he was kept in the dark by the Premier’s Office and had to “second guess” Colin Barnett’s policy positions by listening to talkback radio. There were numerous examples of this lack of communication during the local government so-called reform fiasco, including when Col unilaterally ran up the white flag despite being defeated on only three of the proposals.
Dean Nalder is reported as saying "Colin is making irrational decisions without consultation with respect to Ministers". He instanced Perth Freight Link, the sealing of the Cape Leveque Road and the announcement of new Boyanup sale yards, all matters within his portfolios, as cases where the Premier directed him without discussion or made announcements without even informing him.
Former Minister, Helen Morton, is even more forthright. According to the ABC's Jessica Strutt, Helen Morton has accused staff in the Premier's office of running a "machine" of bullying, intimidation and threats of ministers. Morton says both Tony Simpson and Dean Nalder, who have quit Cabinet, have been victims of it. She also saw it when she was a minister.
Clearly, Col cannot continue as leader of the WA Liberals (and hence as Premier), without the confidence of key Liberal MPs or of the community, but it is not clear who might replace him. This itself is a direct consequence of Col's arrogance and bullying.
For me, I can't see anyone currently in the Parliamentary Liberal Party who has the qualities necessary to be an effective Premier. After the March 2017 election, the Liberals' talent pool will be considerably smaller.
Meanwhile, head-in-the-sand Mount Lawley MLA, Michael Sutherland (in whose electorate I now unfortunately reside after the recent boundary changes) said there is no leadership crisis, despite the current leader being so on the nose (Crisis 1) and the total lack of competent alternative leaders in the Parliamentary Liberal Party (Crisis 2).
The manner of Simpson and Nalder making their announcements suggests that their frustration has driven them to "do unto Col as he has done unto them". I can only hope that whoever is Liberal leader after the next few days (even if it is still Col) learns the pragmatic lesson of 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Minister Simpson Resigns - No Confidence in Barnett
I've been away from this blog for several months, largely due to illness, but I couldn't let Local Government Minister, Tony Simpson's, resignation from Cabinet, on the grounds that he no longer had confidence in Premier Colin Barnett's leadership, pass without comment.
Readers of this blog (and the more recent one dealing with the City of Perth Act) will know that I have been very critical of Simpson in his role as Local Government Minister.
In retrospect, however, it is unclear how much of the local government so-called reform (aka forced amalgamation) fiasco was Simpson being malicious and how much his simply being unable to stand up to Barnett. Certainly the fatuous and false 'economies of scale' argument came from Col's half-baked economics - I commented more than once that he must have attended the lecture on economies of scale but skipped the next one on diseconomies of scale.
Simpson was often the scapegoat for Col's ignorance and intransigence.
Even so, Simpson cannot be held blameless, as he should have stood up to Col - that was the time to resign - but, in fairness, he was too new a minister for resignation to have had much effect.
Simpson has performed much better and more consistently in his other portfolios of Community Services, Seniors and Volunteering, and Youth, but these are not high profile ones and he has got little public recognition from them.
Col's predictable and rather puerile response was that Simpson's resignation provided an opportunity for someone else to be a Minister - as if the Government benches in Parliament were brimming with talent. Whoever gets the gig, we can only hope that their tenure will be short-lived.
Readers of this blog (and the more recent one dealing with the City of Perth Act) will know that I have been very critical of Simpson in his role as Local Government Minister.
In retrospect, however, it is unclear how much of the local government so-called reform (aka forced amalgamation) fiasco was Simpson being malicious and how much his simply being unable to stand up to Barnett. Certainly the fatuous and false 'economies of scale' argument came from Col's half-baked economics - I commented more than once that he must have attended the lecture on economies of scale but skipped the next one on diseconomies of scale.
Simpson was often the scapegoat for Col's ignorance and intransigence.
Even so, Simpson cannot be held blameless, as he should have stood up to Col - that was the time to resign - but, in fairness, he was too new a minister for resignation to have had much effect.
Simpson has performed much better and more consistently in his other portfolios of Community Services, Seniors and Volunteering, and Youth, but these are not high profile ones and he has got little public recognition from them.
Col's predictable and rather puerile response was that Simpson's resignation provided an opportunity for someone else to be a Minister - as if the Government benches in Parliament were brimming with talent. Whoever gets the gig, we can only hope that their tenure will be short-lived.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
$108 Million - But NO Disability Access!
Twenty-four years after the passage of the Disability Discrimination Act - and people with disabilities still have to put up with crap like this.
For more detail have a look at
"The City of Perth, who approved the reburbishment that was carried out by luxury hotel chain the COMO group, disbanded their Access Advisory Committee two years ago. A disability advocate says that it just ‘fell apart’ after a change of staff and through ‘lack of interest’, despite opposition from the disability community."
City of Vincent also no longer has a Disability Access (later Universal Access) Advisory Group.
Now it's true that the ultimate aim should be for such groups no longer to be necessary, but they should only cease to be when the whole organisation has internalised the concept of universal access.
For more detail have a look at
"The City of Perth, who approved the reburbishment that was carried out by luxury hotel chain the COMO group, disbanded their Access Advisory Committee two years ago. A disability advocate says that it just ‘fell apart’ after a change of staff and through ‘lack of interest’, despite opposition from the disability community."
City of Vincent also no longer has a Disability Access (later Universal Access) Advisory Group.
Now it's true that the ultimate aim should be for such groups no longer to be necessary, but they should only cease to be when the whole organisation has internalised the concept of universal access.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
DAPs To Start Feeling The Heat
Further to the previous post on the South Perth successful court action on DAPs (, Vincent Mayor John Carey is moving a motion at tonight's briefing meeting that Council work actively to reign in the DAPs. Tonight's meeting is a briefing and the actual decision will be made next Tuesday (8th March). You can address either tonight's briefing or the Council Meeting on 8th March.
Councillor Elizabeth Re, City of Stirling, has emailed the dapaffectedcommunities group to say:
Councillor Elizabeth Re, City of Stirling, has emailed the dapaffectedcommunities group to say:
I am sorry I cannot attend the Tuesday council meeting tonight at the Town of Vincent as I will be attending the City of Stirling meeting whereby I have put forward a similar notice of motion to stop the DAP’s at the City of Stirling council meeting tonight.
The more Councils formalise their opposition to the DAPs (or at least the way they currently over-ride local communities and planning schemes), the more likely action to reign them is - especially with the next state election being just 12 months away. So lobby your own Council, if you can, to pass similar resolutions and make the DAPs a central issue in the next state election.
Remember, the DAP debacle comes on top of failed forced local government reform, reneging on MAX light rail, the contentious Perth Freight Link, failures of hospital programs and out-of-control state debt.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
David Slays Goliath - Again
South Perth residents have succeeded in blocking a 29-storey tower approved by the Development Assessment Panel.
Alannah MacTiernan, former WA Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, supports the DAP system, as a means of balancing strategic and local interests, but she acknowledges that the DAPs have severe problems
Time for the DAPs to be reigned in. They have become a law unto themselves, ignoring local town planning schemes and local communities in favour of development interests.
Alannah MacTiernan, former WA Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, supports the DAP system, as a means of balancing strategic and local interests, but she acknowledges that the DAPs have severe problems
Time for the DAPs to be reigned in. They have become a law unto themselves, ignoring local town planning schemes and local communities in favour of development interests.
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The West Australian, 25 February 2016 |

Friday, January 22, 2016
Responsibility Of Ownership Lost On Lisa, It Seems
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