This is the personal blog of Ian Ker, who was Councillor for the South Ward of the Town of Vincent from 1995 to 2009. I have been a resident of this area since 1985. This blog was originally conceived as a way of letting residents of Vincent know what I have been doing and sharing thoughts on important issues. I can now use it to sound off about things that concern me.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I've Seen The Future, Brother, It Is Murder.

West Australian, 14th January 2015
Leonard Cohen said it truly when he wrote: "I've Seen The Future, Brother, It Is Murder".

Kim Hack (Letters, West Australian, 14th January - see right) rightly bemoans the sacking of the York Council just when a new Council was starting to perform well.

The sacking of York Council has nothing to do with its actual performance (except as an excuse) but has everything to do with Barnett and Simpson getting a foot in the door to start forcing local government amalgamations in country WA. The writer is right on the mark in calling it bullying and suspecting a 'hidden agenda of forced amalgamation'. 

As I have written here previously (, we should not be surprised if (when?) Simpson proposes a 'boundary adjustment' to make York and Beverly one local government. He'd really like to do more than that (include Northam and Brookton?) but to do so would unequivocally trigger a poll that he'd be very likely to lose.

So, again, I plead with the Nationals and Liberals with principles and respect for democracy to oppose forced amalgamations anywhere in WA, including the despicable City of Perth Act with its outrageous gerrymander.

1 comment:

  1. As I have said before, it is one at the time to avoid a poll.
    Blind Freddy can see that
