Why, then, have five of the trees on the northern side, at the William Street end, been butchered, totally changing the look of the street - not to mention removing welcoming shade in summer?
It is noticeable that these five trees are alongside just one property. If this tree vandalism has been undertaken at the behest of the owners of that property, this sets a very disturbing precedent.
In addition, this appears to be contrary to the spirit, and probably the letter, of the 2014 Vincent Greening Plan, especially that part dealing with enhancement and management of tree canopy. The Greening Plan shows Mary Street as being comparable to parks and reserves in its contribution to vegetation cover.
Given the importance and value of Mary Street, and the magnitude of the intervention, it is strange that I can find no mention in Council Minutes of any works being required nor the reasons why they might be.
To make matters worse, there is no evidence of the trees or the substantial limbs removed being diseased in any way.

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