"That this house condemns the Premier for his numerous broken promises and dishonesty in misleading the people of Western Australia before the election in relation to the issue of forced council amalgamations."
Tedious though parliamentary debates often are, this one is well worth reading (http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/Hansard/hansard.nsf/0/c20cc26db0fd91fa48257bbf0069d275/$FILE/A39%20S1%2020130806%20p15e-27a.pdf) as it highlights the extent to which the Premier engages in linguistic gymnastics to obscure the undeniable fact that he is forcing his version of amalgamations on local governments and their communities. He continually reverts to the argument that 30 councils is too many for the metropolitan area while ignoring the non-sensical outcomes of his simplistic solutions.
Reducing the number of local governments in the metropolitan area might be desirable, but let those who live there have a say and you would end up with boundaries that had some semblance of community of interest about them.
Just for the record, here are the recorded votes - along party lines as one would expect. It will be interesting to see whether any LibNats are willing to stand up to Bully Barnett in later votes on substantial issues - but I'm not holding my breath.
Ayes (17 - all Labor)
Ms L.L. Baker Mr M. McGowan Ms M.M. Quirk Mr B.S. Wyatt
Mr R.H. Cook Ms S.F. McGurk Mrs M.H. Roberts Mr D.A. Templeman (Teller)
Ms J.M. Freeman Mr M.P. Murray Ms R. Saffioti
Mr D.J. Kelly Mr P. Papalia Mr C.J. Tallentire
Mr F.M. Logan Mr J.R. Quigley Mr P.B. Watson
Noes (34 - all Liberal/National)
Mr P. Abetz Ms M.J. Davies Mr C.D. Hatton Mr D.C. Nalder
Mr F.A. Alban Mr J.H.D. Day Mr A.P. Jacob Mr J. Norberger
Mr C.J. Barnett Ms W.M. Duncan Dr G.G. Jacobs Mr D.T. Redman
Mr I.C. Blayney Ms E. Evangel Mr S.K. L’Estrange Mr A.J. Simpson
Mr I.M. Britza Mr J.M. Francis Mr R.S. Love Mr M.H. Taylor
Mr T.R. Buswell Mrs G.J. Godfrey Mr W.R. Marmion Mr T.K. Waldron
Mr G.M. Castrilli Mr B.J. Grylls Mr P.T. Miles Mr J.E. McGrath (Teller)
Mr V.A. Catania Dr K.D. Hames Ms A.R. Mitchell
Mr M.J. Cowper Mrs L.M. Harvey Mr N.W. Morton
Pairs (balanced absence from the House for approved reasons)
Ms J. Farrer (ALP) Dr M.D. Nahan (Liberal)
Mr W.J. Johnston (ALP) Mr R.F. Johnson (Liberal)
Dr A.D. Buti (ALP) Mr A. Krsticevic (Liberal)
Not recorded (presumably absent)
Mr P C Tinley (ALP)
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