Guess who was a City of Perth Councillor at that time - our very own Alannah MacTiernan.
Fast-forward to 2013. The WA Government is forcing changes (splits/amalgamations) to local governments and has stated its intention to remove the provision in the Local Government Act that allows electors to call for a poll on any such changes.
Why, I wonder, does Vincent, with Alannah as Mayor, not think it worth emulating the 1993 City of Perth in running its own referendum - perhaps in conjunction with the October 2013 local government election.
This referendum should have two questions (to avoid the problems of the republic referendum, which split the vote between two republic options).
- Should the City of Vincent be split between Perth and Stirling, as proposed by the WA Government?
- Should Vincent continue as a local government in its own right or become part of the City of Perth?
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