This is the personal blog of Ian Ker, who was Councillor for the South Ward of the Town of Vincent from 1995 to 2009. I have been a resident of this area since 1985. This blog was originally conceived as a way of letting residents of Vincent know what I have been doing and sharing thoughts on important issues. I can now use it to sound off about things that concern me.

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Missing the Point

I suppose I should be flattered that Alannah MacTiernan thought my 'Speaker's Corner' piece in the Perth Voice worth responding to. However, it appears that she has missed a key point - namely that you won't get better than you ask for. The Mayors of Kwinana and Stirling are standing up for their communities and their right to have a real say in the process; why are Vincent residents denied this?

Mayor MacTiernan no doubt has her own personal recollections of the City of Perth, having been a Councillor there before being elected to the WA Parliament. These might have coloured her current perception.

She raises the issues of place-making and 'lively street cultures', without, apparently, realising that these are very different beasts in Vincent and Perth. Place-making in a capital city with a daytime transient population of over 100,000 (workers plus visitors) every day is different from placemaking in a smaller centre in close proximity to residents where activity is smaller-scale and more likely to be evenings and weekends

It was Vincent (at the instigation of myself and Vincent's Executive Director of Planning), along with Fremantle, Claremont, Cockburn, Gosnells, Kwinana, Subiaco and Victoria Park that sponsored the 2009 Mainstreet Conference. There was no interest in doing so from the City of Perth.

City of Perth does some good things, no doubt, but the skills and attitudes required to do these things in a CBD are not the same as those required for an inner-urban mixed residential area with urban villages.

I also hope that City of Perth, should Vincent be absorbed by it, becomes a bit more efficient and expeditious in carrying out infrastructure projects. How many years, now, has Wellington Street been a disaster area? And the changes to William Street and St George's Terrace seemed to go on for ever, too.

And, please, no more green worms - as one who fought against the pink milk crates that David Bromfield would have inflicted on the residents of Vincent, I've had more than my fill of garbage masquerading as art.

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