This is the personal blog of Ian Ker, who was Councillor for the South Ward of the Town of Vincent from 1995 to 2009. I have been a resident of this area since 1985. This blog was originally conceived as a way of letting residents of Vincent know what I have been doing and sharing thoughts on important issues. I can now use it to sound off about things that concern me.

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Monday, August 26, 2013

The Penny Drops - At Last

At long last, Alannah MacTiernan, Mayor of Vincent, has realised what this blog has been saying for the past month - Barnett and his minions/ministers can't be trusted, can't get their acts together and simply say what they think serves their purposes best at any particular time.
Click to enlarge
And I'm not sure that 'Vincent ratepayers were celebrating' on August 14 about the possibility of the whole of Vincent being swallowed up by the City of Perth - not if Vincent's own consultation is anything to go by (see previous post on this blog).

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