This is the personal blog of Ian Ker, who was Councillor for the South Ward of the Town of Vincent from 1995 to 2009. I have been a resident of this area since 1985. This blog was originally conceived as a way of letting residents of Vincent know what I have been doing and sharing thoughts on important issues. I can now use it to sound off about things that concern me.

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Cartoon Cabinet?

I recently read that the best weapon against authority figures is to point out how patently absurd they are. The author of that statement went on to say: "Authority - particularly authority that uses violence to enact its will - is … inherently ridiculous, thus showing that all human authority is only as meaningful as we make it".

With that in mind, I offer the following case of life imitating art - or perhaps Matt Groening (creator of 'The Simpsons'), with his keen sense of the ridiculous, really does run the WA Government.

Okay, this last one is more on the basis of name and capacity for getting things wrong than anything else - Tony has more hair than the cartoon Homer Simpson - but the five o'clock shadow he sometimes sports has a very Homer S look about it.

Couldn't find a doppelgänger for Marge Simpson (unless Bronwyn Bishop moves to WA). Nor Waylon Smithers - although Kim Hames wouldn't need too much plastic surgery to do it.

Thanks to Dean Alston for his cartoon in the West Australian that originally prompted this little excursion into cartoonery.
The West Australian, Saturday, 22 March 2014

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ian Ker

    It would be lovely if we could get your analysis on the very recent…

    In particular, the validity of Proposal 10 and the lack of natural justice claim.

    City of Canning forgot to mention that the Local Government Advisory Board is splitting three suburbs: Willetton, Riverton and Shelley. By doing so the Board is betraying its very own Community of Interest Guiding Principle. In the Board’s own words: “Neighbourhoods, suburbs and towns are important units in the physical, historical and social infrastructure and often generate a feeling of community and belonging. The Board believes that wherever possible, it is inappropriate to divide these units between local governments”.

    Love your blog.
