This is the personal blog of Ian Ker, who was Councillor for the South Ward of the Town of Vincent from 1995 to 2009. I have been a resident of this area since 1985. This blog was originally conceived as a way of letting residents of Vincent know what I have been doing and sharing thoughts on important issues. I can now use it to sound off about things that concern me.

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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Col Doesn't Like It - So He's Bullying Homer Now

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So Col doesn't like some of the LGAB recommendations and is urging Homer to reject some of them.

And then he wants to hold in reserve the option to introduce further 'boundary changes' to get his 'strategic assets' (UWA, QEII and Burswood) into the City of Perth at a later date.

Now, whatever one might think of the appropriateness of using the LGAB to deal with such a complex set of proposals or its competence to do so, the fact is the Col chose this way of doing it and is now trying to alter the outcomes after the event.

The LGAB could, if it thought the reasons strong enough, have recommended variations to the City of Vincent proposal to add UWA, QEII and Burswood to the amalgamation of Vincent and Perth. The fact that it chose not to do so is presumably in recognition of spatial separation, natural boundaries and, in the case of Burswood, the adverse financial effect on Victoria Park (with or without South Perth).

That Col thinks the LGAB could possibly come up with a different conclusion when faced with a 'new' proposal beggars belief and is typical of his arrogance.

The LGAB could (and arguably should) summarily reject a subsequent proposal for boundary adjustment on the grounds that it was similar to a proposal it had considered in the previous two years (Schedule 2.1, Clause 3, para 2(a)) - or even that "the proposal is frivolous or otherwise not in the interests of good government" (Schedule 2.1, Clause 3, para 2(b)).

One can only hope that, in typical bully style, if we don't let him win the game he will pick up his bat and go home.


  1. Wasn't the this type of bullying one of the reasons why the Canning Council was dismissed?

  2. You have, as before, said it all…they will just continue looking for ways of trying to dig them self out of the mess they are in. The problem is, the more they dig to get out the bigger the hole gets and when deep enough no ladder will be long enough to reach the bottom. Poor chaps.
