He said: "we have made it very clear for the last three years that we intend to have special legislation for a capital city".
When, Premier, did you say there would be special legislation for a capital city? You certainly haven't mentioned it during the past 18 months - until a few days ago, when it became clear you weren't going to get your way through the LGAB?
If that was your intention all along, why did you not exclude the City of Perth from the LGAB process?
He said: "there's no forced amalgamation here. Vincent and the City of Perth want to come together, that's not a forced amalgamation, they agree".
There's forcing and forcing, Premier. Vincent only put in proposal because they were told that if they didn't you'd do it for them. Nearly 80% of Vincent voters in the plebiscite in October 2013 said Vincent should stay as it is.
The City of Perth, on the other hand, has consistently said it didn't want the whole of Vincent - which is why, of course, you are now proposing a gerrymander to placate Lisa Scaffidi.
He said: "There won't be vote weighting, but there may be a ward structure".
Can you guarantee that the wards will have equal ratios of elected members to electors? I thought not - after all, to quote your own words, "you would not want residential voters to be able to control the central business district".
Sorry, Col. A gerrymander doesn't cease to be a gerrymander because of an unequal ward structure.
commenting on the fact that Vincent put in a proposal because they were told they had to or the government would do it for them - that is EXACTLY why Canning put one in. you play by the rules - they shift the goalposts and we LOSE!!! Simpson also said he could not cherry pick the recommendations from the L.G.A.B. he had to accept or reject - now he has cherry picked the ones he wants to. Porky pies!!! Thanks to you and all who continue to fight.