But something has happened in the past couple of months, with articles, opinion pieces and letters critical of Barnett on a range of issues - including aspects of the excellent series of articles by Gareth Parker and Kent Acott on transport and Vancouver (http://sustainabletransportcoalitionofwa.blogspot.com.au/2014/08/lack-of-transparency-in-transport.html).
But today tops them all. In addition to Paul Murray's piece mentioned in my previous post (http://ianrker-vincent.blogspot.com.au/2014/10/the-strength-of-agreement-barnetts-in.html), there is another opinion piece from Gareth Parker (admittedly mildly critical of the Nationals for taking a stand on a metropolitan issue - albeit one that Barnett has forced them into by his duplicity), five letters, an article and even a piece in Inside Cover.
I particularly like the piece in Inside Cover, as it has John Hammond (who is also my lawyer in the action before the Supreme Court) admitting he has changed his mind over amalgamations. To the extent that I might have contributed to this, I feel extraordinarily pleased to claim that I helped change a lawyer's mind. Sorry John!
Incidentally, Simpson doesn't look very happy in the photo from the media briefing - his 'legacy' is rapidly turning to s#@t, aided by Barnett's rolling him on the LGAB recommendations on Perth and Vincent. With friends like that, Homer, you don't need enemies.

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