As well as showing Colin's usual ungraciousness, his comments are a classic example of (Col) Pot calling Kettle Black.
Col says that Gough shouldn't be remembered as a great Prime Minister (despite saving him from having to go to fight in Vietnam) because:
- "A lot of the things he set out to do didn't really work". Well, Col, what about things like shark drum lines and local government so-called reform in your own backyard?
- "His grand spending programs didn't really come off". Well, Col, what about things like the Burswood Stadium, Elizabeth Quay and the Airport rail link that have cost WA its AAA credit rating?
- "He ended up with a government in chaos". Well, Col, he was only defeated in the Senate thanks to the bastardry of the Queensland and NSW premiers. You have been defeated in both Houses of the WA Parliament due to the dissatisfaction of members of your own party.
So, Col, perhaps you should think a little more carefully before criticising others.
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