This is the personal blog of Ian Ker, who was Councillor for the South Ward of the Town of Vincent from 1995 to 2009. I have been a resident of this area since 1985. This blog was originally conceived as a way of letting residents of Vincent know what I have been doing and sharing thoughts on important issues. I can now use it to sound off about things that concern me.

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Getting Ahead of Themselves - City of Bayswater

Click to enlarge
I received this letter (right) from the City of Bayswater on Friday - interesting that it took two weeks to get to me.

Although the letter is generic, the envelope was addressed to me personally. I don't know how the City of Bayswater got my address, but I presume the address label was affixed by Carers WA, who do have my details on their database.

I find it interesting, though, that the City of Bayswater, which presumably specified the distribution, appears to consider that Mt Lawley is in already in the City of Bayswater. Not only is none of Mt Lawley currently in Bayswater, but even under the City of Bayswater proposal to the LGAB only half the suburb would be in Bayswater.

Anyone following local government so-called reform will know that the City of Bayswater has been a strong supporter of its own expansion from the start, but this seems to be going a bit too far. Here we have a local government that (a) doesn't know what is in its current boundaries or (b) is jumping the gun about what the LGAB has recommended, what the Minister will do with the recommendations and the outcome of the current legal action.

Even if the LGAB recommendation is for the Bayswater proposal and is endorsed by the Minister and the legal action fails, the City of Bayswater really should know that it would not have all of Mt Lawley. Indeed, transfer of the Mt Lawley part of the City of Vincent to Bayswater has not once even been mooted during the past 18 months - for which I, for one, am truly thankful.


  1. Hi Ian, I understand you questioning why you rec'd this letter, as too am I. For the record though, the CoB does have a small portion of Mt Lawley within their boundary - around St John of God (Mercy) Hospital. Currently Mt Lawley is spread across 3 municipalities.

    1. I stand corrected, but the main point is unaffected. Interesting, too, that City of Bayswater is now considering legal action on behalf of 1500 or so residents it stands to lose to Swan but gives no consideration to the larger number it is poaching from Stirling (who have no say in the matter) -
