Whilst it is quite reasonable to want planning regulations to be applied consistently, it is not reasonable to require that exactly the same regulations apply wherever you go across a diverse metropolitan area.
Differences between areas don't make it hard for 'ratepayers who wanted to make simple alterations to their homes', provided those regulations in their own local government are clear and consistently applied - although my experience as a local government councillor is that you get just as much flack from trying to apply regulations consistently as when you exercise some discretion - you just get the flack from different people.
It's only developers who operate in multiple local governments who might get a little confused - but that's not a reason for over-riding the wishes of local communities on what is or is not acceptable development. Often the 'confusion' on the part of developers relates to what concessions they can screw out of local governments rather than what the regulations allow.
Was the Property Council pulling the Minister's strings here?
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